General RequirementsFairtrade, its benefits and certification requirements for smallholder producers

Sustainability & BiodiversityFairtrade environmental requirements for smallholder producers

Organisational DevelopmentGood governance for Fairtrade smallholder producers

Social ComplianceFairtrade's approach to gender equality and child labour

1. User Guide - A Fairtrade Story
2. Interactive Tool - A Fairtrade Story Poster

Guidance on the use of the interactive tool A Fairtrade Story and suggested training activities related to its content. This tool should be used during introductory training sessions about the Fairtrade system, its basic requirements and benefits. The illustrations in the poster should be utilised to start conversations around the Fairtrade system and raise awareness on its standards. Trainers must give attendees the opportunity to lead the conversation; they must also focus only on connecting the discussion to the specific concepts outlined in this guidance document.

JPG versions of the training tools and related training activities are downloadable here. For games, PowerPoint presentations and high resolution files, please send your request to:
Fairtrade International
Bonn Talweg 17753129 Bonn, Germany
Telephone: +49 228 949230
Fax +49 228 2421713

Trainer SupportGuidance on the use of the Producer Library, including suggested training activities

VideoBecoming a Fairtrade producer